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Sven Wilson

Published Papers and Supporting Files

“Military Service, Combat, and Civic Participation” (with William Ruger). 2021. Armed Forces and Society, 47: 551-585.

“Vicious Habits: Sexually Transmitted Infections among Black and White Union Army Veterans.” (with Christopher Roudiez, Heather Desomer, Coralee Lewis and Noelle Yetter) Forthcoming, Journal of Applied History, online publication: Dec 12, 2019.

“Does Adult Height Predict Later Mortality: Comparative Evidence from the Early Indicators Samples” 2019. Economics and Human Biology 34:274-285.

"Persistent social networks: Civil War Veterans who Fought Together Co-locate in Later Life.”(with Dora L. Costa, Matthew E. Kahn, and Christopher Roudiez). 2018. Regional Science and Urban Economics. (Previously published as NBER Working Paper #22397).

“Data set from the Union Army Samples to Study Locational Choice and Social Networks.” (with Dora L. Costa, Matthew E. Kahn, and Christopher Roudiez). 2018. Data in Brief 17:226-233.

“Cobesity.” 2017. Contexts 16: 74-76.

“Union Army Veterans, All Grown Up.” (with Dora L. Costa, Heather DeSomer, Eric Hanss, Chrisopher Roudiez, and Noelle Yetter) 2017. Historical Methods 50: 79-95. (previously published as NBER Working Paper #22497, August, 2016).

“Family Economics and Obesity.” 2016. (Online publication date: Dec, 2015), in John Komlos and Inas R. Kelly, (eds.), The Oxford Handbooks of Economics and Human Biology. Oxford University Press.

"Marriage, gender and obesity in later life." 2012 Economics & Human Biology 10: 431-453.

"Introduction" (Special Issue on Obesity and the FamilyAcross the Life Course). 2012 (With Robert Crosnoe and Kellie Daniels). Economics & Human Biology 10: 329-332.

Chasing Success: Health Sector Aid and Mortality World Development 39:2031-2043.

More Dollars than Sense: Refining our Knowledge of Development Finance Using AidData. (with Michael J. Tierney, Daniel Nielson, Darren Hawkins, Michael Findley, J. Timmons Robers, Ryan M. Powers, Bradley Parks & Robert Hicks). 2011. World Development 39:1891-1906.

Marital Status and Colon Cancer outcomes in US SEER Registries: Does Marriage Affect Cancer Survival by Gender and Stage? (with Li Wang, David B. Stewart & Christopher S. Hollenbeak). 2011. Cancer Epidemiology35-417-422.

Prejudice and Policy: Racial Discrimination in the Union Army Disability Pension System, 1865-1906. 2010. American Journal of Public Halth 100: S56-S65.

Race and Health in the Past: Infection and Arteriosclerosis (with Dora Costa and Lorens Helmchen). 2007. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 104:13219-13324.

Disease Prevalence and Survey Design Effects: A Response to Weir and Smith (with Benjamin Howell). 2007. Social Science and Medicine 65:1078-1081.

A Lot More to do: The Sensitivity of Time-Series Cross-Section Results to Alternative Specifications (with Daniel Butler). 2007. Political Analysis 15:101-123.

Dyin' in Zion: Longevity and Mortality in Utah (with Ken R. Smith). 2006. In C. Zick and K. Smith (eds), Utah in the New Millenium: A Demographic Perspective. University of Utah Press.

Family-Centered Health Policy Analysis. 2006. In D. Russell Crane and Elaine S. Marshall (eds.) Handbook of Families and Health. Sage Publications.

Do Panel Surveys Make People Sick? Arthritis Prevalence in the Health and Retirement Study (with Benjamin Howell). 2005. Social Science and Medicine 60:2623-2627.

Feature Review, Democracy Defended, by Gerry Mackie in Perspectives on Political Science, August, 2004.

The Prevalence of Chronic Respiratory Disease in the Industrial Era: The United States, 1895-1910, in Dora Costa (ed.) Health and Labor Force Participation over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. 2003. Chicago: NBER and University of Chicago Press.

The Height of Union Army Recruits: Community and Family Influences (with Clayne L. Pope), in Dora Costa (ed.) Health and Labor Force Participation over the Life Cycle: Evidence from the Past. 2003. Chicago:NBER and University of Chicago Press.

Good Marriages Gone Bad: Health Mismatches as a Cause of Marital Dissolution in Late Mid-Life (with Shawn Waddoups). 2002. Population Research and Policy Review 21: 505-533.

Warfare and Welfare: Military Service, Combat and Marital Dissolution (With William Ruger and Shawn Waddoups). 2002. Armed Forces and Society 29:85-107.

The Health Capital of Families: An Investigation of the Inter-Spousal Correlation in Health Status. 2002. Social Science and Medicine 55:1157-1172.

Work and the Accommodation of Chronic Illness: A Re-Examination of the Health-Labor Supply Relationship. 2001. Applied Economics 33:1139-56.

Body Stature as a Measure of Health and Mortality, in Neil J. Smelser and Pail B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences,Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001, pp. 6491-5.

Socioeconomic Status and the Prevalence of Health Problems among Married Couples in Late Mid-Life. 2001. American Journal of Public Health 91:131-5.

Secular Trends in the Determinants of Disability Benefits(with Louis L. Nguyen). 1998. American Economic Review 88:227-31. May (Papers and Proceedings)

The Economic Consequences of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury (with M. Berkowitz, C. Harvey, C. Greene, T. Stripling). 1992. New York: Demos Publications.

New Estimates of the Direct Costs of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries, Results of a Nationwide Survey (with M. Berkowitz, C. Harvey, C. Green). 1992. Paraplegia 30, 834-850.